Namespace AutoBattleFramework.BattleBehaviour.States
It represents a state of the battle. It determines how the characters behave within the state and sets the conditions for moving to the next state.
For example, PreparationState allows to instantiate enemies, as well as move and equip characters, while state FightState allows both teams to battle each other.
When reached this state, change to another scene.
Change the current stage to another one.
It allows teams to play against each other, and obtain a winner based on a victory condition.
Allows to instantiate enemies, as well as move and equip ally characters.
When reached this state, load the same scene again.
The type of lose condition:
Defeated All: Team 1 loses if all members are dead.
The type of victory condition:
More Character Alive: Team 1 wins if the timer reaches zero and has more members alive than Team 2.
More Total HP: Team 1 wins if the timer reaches zero and the sum of the current Health of all his alive members is greater than Team 2.
More Percentual HP: Team 1 wins If the timer reaches zero and has more percentage Health than team 2.
Survive: Team 1 wins if the timer reaches zero and there is at least one alive character.
KillAll: Team 1 wins if the timer reaches zero and all characters in Team2 are dead.